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Mistakes to be avoided by men on their first date

The biggest mistake that men do on their first date is trying to buy love. What you need to keep in mind that you can buy everything in this world with money but for love! Do not try to impress your woman with money, or by pampering her with luxuries, gifts every now and then. Instead of wasting money in a ludicrous way on the first date you should focus on showing the woman all the love and affection you have for her. What is the use to overtly doing a money show when later on you know that you will not be able to afford the luxuries for her over and over again? The key to a successful first date lies in keeping it simple!
Another mistake that men make on their first date is blabbering about the other women in their life. Men should reinforce this into their minds that no woman would like to hear about your ex or reasons why you broke off with your ex. Also, women do not like men to go on and on about their mother! Every woman, whom you date, be it only for a couple of hours would definitely like to believe that she is the only woman in your life and that you will therefore treat her like a queen.
The most gravest and irrevocable mistake is to ask a woman about her views on sex on your first date! Do not even remove the word sex from your mouth. Just keep this in mind that if the lady whom you are dating would really have sex on her mind, she would not have been out with you but instead looking out for some dildos!
Another important thing to keep in mind is to not get too touchy or physical with her on your first date. A simple handshake is the safest option but if she also shows some interest do not go further than a hug or a peck on the cheeks.
And lastly, please be honest on your first date. It is rightly said that whatever you give, goes around the world and comes back to you. So do not ever lie. If you are living in a simple two bedroom flat do not be ashamed and exaggerate about a duplex. Because after a few months if your date asks you to show her your duplex then you will be in a deep mess as of a sudden.
If you follow these basic rules about what to do or not to do on your first date, there is surely no looking back for you! About Author :
Edward James Sentenera runs http://www.ligarnet.com ; a website specialized on contactos, resources and articles. More info on contactos at: contactos.
